Killing Eve S3E3: Review (Spoilers)

My reviews of the first two episodes of season 3:

Killing Eve S3E1: Review (Spoilers) & Killing Eve S3E2: Review (Spoilers)


I wanna insert that meme in here of that guy who says, “They had us in the first half, I’m not gonna lie,” because that perfectly sums up my feelings of this episode in relation to the first two. Suzanne really brought back the tension and the pacing, that made me feel like I was watching KE again. I can’t say how relieved I am. Now, this doesn’t mean that I had no issues with this episode, however this has made me much more hopeful for the rest of this season! (BTW, dear reader, while the two previous posts had some background info that made them longer I predict that these posts will, from now on, be pretty brief until the finale.)

Let’s start with what I disliked:

killing-eve-season-3-dasha-1586441923I think this is starting to become the norm for this season, but Konstantin is really adding almost nothing to the show right now. Besides being vaguely ominous he really isn’t doing much and I think his character is really being underused. Dasha is also sort of just… there. I like that Villanelle has a new mentor but I hope she will be fleshed out a bit more.

That’s kinda it. Things are still a little sluggish but I think that’s changing with each episode.


downloadGeneral– The tone was sort of coming back to what it was before: dark yet humorous, which is really great. I think that ramping up the random Villanelle murder+ hijinks is what brought the feel of this episode back to what it had been in previous seasons. The pace also accelerated quite a bit with the whole Villanelle might kill Carolyn/the accountant. Plus, the anticipation of Villanelle and Eve’s meeting in London really gave the episode a sense of direction and purpose.

Specifics– Before we get into *waggles eyebrows* I wanted to just say that I love what was done with Carolyn in these first episodes. In my previous posts I had mentioned that I was worried about whether or not the show would achieve the proper balance of vulnerability and hardness when attempting to give Carolyn more depth. I think the balance that was established very well. We got her attempts to conceal her pain about Kenny’s death and, at the same time, we saw how Carolyn used her old “boyfriend” to get info. I think that this season’s refusal to make Carolyn into the stereotypical “stoic boss who’s a woman” character is great. She still feels like her very morally grey, no-nonsense, and very intimidating self but we have also gotten to see her emotional side.

download-1And not to delay the spicy stuff much longer but, the scene where Villanelle delivered her Roman gladiator monologue was so freaking hilarious. I was cry-laughing by the end. She’s so freaking dramatic. Her outfits this whole episode, but this scene especially, were also so good. The costumes for this show just get better and better.

So… THE KISS, holy shit! I was so shocked, lol. I had kept my expectations so low, in the romance department, that I wasn’t really expecting it. I’ve seen people say that it was a Weird Kiss(tm) and to be fair it kinda was. But I really think that it fit them as a couple. The elements of violence and the awkward/unsettling feel of it (and yet the inevitability of it) makes it really unique and fascinating.

imagesEve having her eyes open was totally a parallel to the episode “Wide Awake” from season 2. Eve’s hair, as a ton of other fans have noticed, is also definitely a symbol how much Eve represses/controls herself. When Eve was going to see Niko I noticed that her hair was in a really tight bun. To contrast that, when Eve was listening to V’s recorded message it was loose (for the first time in episode 3.)

In Villanelle and Eve’s first ever meeting, V tells Eve to “wear it (her hair) down.” Obviously letting one’s hair down is a common expression/symbol of letting go and being free. I think V helps Eve be her true and unregulated self. Sleeping and dreams are commonly symbols of the unconscious and the repressed. When Eve is with Villanelle she is “wide awake,” meaning that all of her repressed feelings are present and she feels her most complete and true self.

That’s all. Can’t wait for episode 4!


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